Scope and Aims


NHCPE provides a platform that supports, influences, and advocates for developing the quality, sustainability and growth of counselling and psychotherapy higher education in Australia. We recognise and value high quality learning, teaching, research and scholarship within the counselling and psychotherapy profession. We advise on matters pertaining to counselling and psychotherapy education to professional and educational bodies.


The NHCPE aims to:

  1. Provide a forum for heads of counselling and psychotherapy higher education and discuss relevant learning and teaching matters

  2. Strategically advocate and support the recognition and promotion of the counselling and psychotherapy profession

  3. Support the sustainable development of high quality counselling and psychotherapy higher education courses across Australia

  4. Provide a platform for the promotion of counselling and psychotherapy education research

  5. Provide a vehicle for students and counsellor educators to network and engage with counselling and psychotherapy research

  6. Act as a reference group providing expert commentary to professional associations and to government.