Research strategies

This page describes strategies to enhance Australia's counselling research capacity. Click on each dropdown heading to see the recommendations. 

Increase individual counselling research productivity impact

Counselling academics, whether research active or in teaching only positions, will still need to publish research and/or scholarhip, to enhance promotion opportunities. 

Team up

Complete doctorates

Increase research opportunities

Increase volume of publications

Increase volume of citations

Promote research and researcher awareness

Enhance Australian counselling research journals' impact

Research lecturers and supervisors to encourage students to convert theses into publications, and publish them in Australian counselling journals. This will enable counselling student experience at preparing for publication, increase outputs for academics, and increase volume of counselling research received by the journals.

Aim to publish at least one article a year in an Australian counselling journal. This will help increase your visibility as a researcher to the Australian counselling community as well as helping meaningfully contribute to strengthening the Australian outlets.

Academics and journal editors can check higher education institution libraries to see if the Australian journals are indexed in the databases. If not, request the librarian to add.

Some other options that might be considered by the profession and existing counselling journals:

Increase student uptake of research or higher degree studies

Contributions from counselling education

Ensure accredited training provides training in research for students to gain sufficient research literacy.

Ensure Bachelor and Masters students are required to do a research methodology subject. 

Provide all Bachelor and Masters students an opportunity to undertake a research project, at least as available options.

Assign a staff member to be responsible for heading research in the counselling discipline. The person should have a strong interest in research and be an advocate for it. This person can help strategically support research productivity, promoting research and a supportive research culture, and supporting staff and students in research. 

NHCPE support for research

Develop or support counselling research conferences, or research streams within counselling conferences

Providing information via the NHCPE website to support research

Providing encouragement and support for cross-institutional research collaborations

NHCPE to host a hub of available HDR supervisors, their expertise, and their projects, to enable student / supervisor matching 

Counselling peak body support for research

Both peak bodies to have a research committee or equivalent.

Both peak bodies ensure training standards sufficiently support robust research literacy for students and research productivity expectations for institutions that have accredited training courses. They also include expectations that incentivise doctoral attainment for counselling academic staff and members of the profession. 

Both peak bodies require at least one article per year be submitted, from at least one counselling educator from each accredited training provider, in an Australian counselling journal as part of the accreditation obligations. 

Both peak bodies ensure there is at least a research stream in each conference they hold.

Both peak bodies provide funding for counselling research projects and scholarships.

Both peak bodies continue supporting at least one counselling Australian peer reviewed counselling journal.

Strategic use of research-focussed committees

Prepare educational resources on research for key stakeholders. These include counselling education staff, researchers, and students.   

Identify and publish key research topics that are topical, might bring impact, and may assist the individual researchers and/or the profession as a whole.

Advise peak bodies accreditation standards to ensure research is effectively supported in education of counsellors.

Identify and distribute external funding opportunities for counselling researchers.